Server Customer Support

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ: Nov 22, 2017 ตอบ: 9848
ตอบ: Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:56 am ชื่อกระทู้: DEL-450-ADZC SNS450-ADZC Single, Hot-plug DC Power Supply |
| ผู้จำหน่าย RAM, SSD, HDD & Upgrade Parts สำหรับ Server อันดับ 1 ของประเทศไทย !!
สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ 02-641-0055 Line: @memorytoday
DEL-450-ADZC SNS450-ADZC Single, Hot-plug DC Power Supply (1+0), 1100W -48VDC Only,CusKit (CAUTION Only Works with DC Power)
DEL-450-AEEQ SNS450-AEEQ Single, Hot-plug Power Supply (1+0), 1100W Liteon, CusKit
DEL-450-AGFW SNS450-AGFW Single,Hot-plug Power Supply , 2400W,250 Volt Power Cord Required for Use, Customer Install
DEL-450-AIYU SNS450-AIYU Single, Hot-plug, Power Supply (1+0), 1400W,Lit, Customer Kit
DEL-450-AIYX SNS450-AIYX Power Supply 800W, Mixed Mode, customer install
DEL-450-AKKX SNS450-AKKX Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply, 1100W MM (100-240Vac) Titanium, Customer Kit, by Delta
DEL-450-AKKY SNS450-AKKY Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply, 1100W MM (100-240Vac) Titanium, Customer Kit, by LiteOn
DEL-450-AKPH SNS450-AKPH Power Supply 1100W -48VDC Only, normal airflow, customer install
DEL-450-AKPJ SNS450-AKPJ Hot-plug Power Supply 1100W, -48V, NAF Customer Kit
DEL-450-ALEJ SNS450-ALEJ Hot-plug Power Supply 1100W, -48vDC, NAF, 2U Customer Kit D (CAUTION Only Works with DC Power)
DEL-450-ALEM SNS450-ALEM Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply, 1100W MM (100-240Vac) Titanium, Customer Kit, by Delta
DEL-450-BBLQ SNS450-BBLQ Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply, 1100W MM (100-220Vac) Titanium, Customer Kit, by Delta
DEL-450-BBMD SNS450-BBMD Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply 1100W -48VDC Only, Normal Airflow, Customer Kit
DEL-450-ALEE SNS450-ALEE Hot-plug, Power Supply 1400W, 2U Customer Kit L
DEL-470-AAVG SNS470-AAVG Dell Networking, Cable, SFP+ to SFP+, 10GbE, Copper Twinax Direct Attach Cable, 5 Meter,CusKit
DEL-470-AAVH SNS470-AAVH Dell Networking, Cable, SFP+ to SFP+, 10GbE, Copper Twinax Direct Attach Cable, 1 Meter,CusKit
DEL-470-AAVI SNS470-AAVI Dell Networking, Cable, SFP+ to SFP+, 10GbE, Copper Twinax Direct Attach Cable, 7 Meter,CusKit
DEL-470-AAVJ SNS470-AAVJ Dell Networking, Cable, SFP+ to SFP+, 10GbE, Copper Twinax Direct Attach Cable, 3 Meter,CusKit
DEL-470-AAVK SNS470-AAVK Dell Networking,Cable,SFP+ to SFP+,10GbE,Copper Twinax Direct Attach Cable,0.5 Meter - Kit
DEL-470-ACEU SNS470-ACEU Dell Networking, Cable, SFP28 to SFP28, 25GbE, Passive Copper Twinax Direct Attach, 3M, Cust Kit
DEL-470-ACEX SNS470-ACEX Dell Networking, Cable, SFP28 to SFP28, 25GbE, Passive Copper Twinax Direct Attach, 1M, Cust Kit
DEL-470-ACEY SNS470-ACEY Dell Networking, Cable, SFP28 to SFP28, 25GbE, Passive Copper Twinax Direct Attach, 5M, Cust Kit
DEL-470-ACFB SNS470-ACFB Dell Networking, Cable, SFP28 to SFP28, 25GbE, Passive Copper Twinax Direct Attach, 2M, Cust Kit
DEL-450-AKPR SNS450-AKPR Single, Hot-Plug, Power Supply (1+0), 600W, CusKit by Delta
DEL-450-BBLW SNS450-BBLW Single, Hot Plug, Power Supply Non-Redundant (1+0), 1400W,Del,CK
DEL-470-BBVG SNS470-BBVG Cables & Mechanical Part for BOSS S2, R750xs/R550 for V3 chassis, CK
DEL-540-BBGX SNS540-BBGX Broadcom 5719 Quad Port 1Gb Network Interface Card,Full Height, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBGY SNS540-BBGY Broadcom 5720 DP 1Gb Network Interface Card,Full Height,CusKit
DEL-540-BBHB SNS540-BBHB Broadcom 5719 Quad Port 1Gb Network Interface Card, Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBIV SNS540-BBIV Intel X710 Dual Port 10Gb Direct Attach, SFP+,PCIe Full Height, Cuskit
DEL-540-BBIW SNS540-BBIW Intel X710 Quad Port 10Gb Direct Attach, SFP+, PCIe Full height, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBIX SNS540-BBIX Intel X710 Dual Port 10Gb Direct Attach, SFP+, Converged Network Adapter, Low Profile, Cuskit
DEL-540-BBML SNS540-BBML Intel X710 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, PCIe Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBUN SNS540-BBUN Broadcom 57412 Dual Port 10Gb, SFP+, PCIe Adapter, Full Height, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBUO SNS540-BBUO Broadcom 57416 Dual Port 10Gb, Base-T, PCIe Adapter, Full Height, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBVL SNS540-BBVL Broadcom 57412 Dual Port 10Gb, SFP+, PCIe Adapter, Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-540-BBVM SNS540-BBVM Broadcom 57416 Dual Port 10Gb, Base-T, PCIe Adapter, Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-540-BCMU SNS540-BCMU Mellanox ConnectX-6 Single Port HDR100 QSFP56 Infiniband Adapter, PCIe Full Height Customer Install
DEL-540-BCOR SNS540-BCOR Broadcom 57414 Dual Port 10/25GbE SFP28, OCP NIC 3.0 Customer Install
DEL-540-BCRY SNS540-BCRY Broadcom 57504 Quad Port 10/25GbE,SFP28, OCP NIC 3.0 Customer Install
DEL-540-BCSI SNS540-BCSI Intel X710-T4L Quad Port 10GbE BASE-T, OCP NIC 3.0 Customer Install
DEL-540-BCXP SNS540-BCXP Mellanox ConnectX-6 DX Dual Port 100GbE QSFP56 Network Adapter, Full Height Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDDB SNS540-BDDB Broadcom 57504 Quad Port 10/25GbE SFP28, PCIe Adapter, Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDDQ SNS540-BDDQ Intel E810 Quad Port 10/25GbE SFP28 Adapter, PCIe Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDDT SNS540-BDDT Intel E810 Quad Port 10/25GbE SFP28 Adapter, OCP NIC 3.0, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDDW SNS540-BDDW Intel E810 Dual Port 100GbE QSFP28 Adapter, PCIe Full Height, 100GbE max bandwidth, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDEC SNS540-BDEC Broadcom 57508 Dual Port 100GbE QSFP Adapter, PCIe Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDEE SNS540-BDEE Broadcom 57508 Dual Port 100GbE QSFP Adapter, PCIe Low Profile, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDHB SNS540-BDHB QLogic 2692 Dual Port 16GbE Fibre Channel HBA, PCIe Low Profile, Customer Kit, V2
DEL-540-BDHQ SNS540-BDHQ Broadcom 5720 Dual Port 1GbE BASE-T Adapter, PCIe LP, Customer Kit, V2, FW RESTRICTIONS APPLY
DEL-540-BDHY SNS540-BDHY Broadcom 57414 Dual Port 10/25GbE SFP28 Adapter, PCIe Full Height, Customer Kit, V2
DEL-540-BDJM SNS540-BDJM Nvidia ConnectX-6 Lx Dual Port 10/25GbE SFP28, No Crypto, PCIe Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDNG SNS540-BDNG Nvidia ConnectX-7 Single Port NDR200 OSFP PCIe, No Crypto, Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDNR SNS540-BDNR Nvidia ConnectX-7 Single Port NDR OSFP PCIe, No Crypto, Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDOP SNS540-BDOP Intel XXV710 Dual Port 25GbE SFP28 PCIe Adapter, Full Height, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDQZ SNS540-BDQZ Intel X710 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, PCIe Low Profile, V2, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDRD SNS540-BDRD Intel X710 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, PCIe Full Height, V2, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDRF SNS540-BDRF Intel X710 Quad Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, PCIe Full Height, V2, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDRJ SNS540-BDRJ Broadcom 5719 Quad Port 1GbE BASE-T Adapter, PCIe Full Height, V2, FIRMWARE RESTRICTIONS APPLY, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDRL SNS540-BDRL Broadcom 5719 Quad Port 1GbE BASE-T Adapter, PCIe Low Profile, V2, FIRMWARE RESTRICTIONS APPLY, Customer Kit
DEL-540-BCOQ SNS540-BCOQ Broadcom 57412 Dual Port 10Gb, SFP+, PCIe Adapter
DEL-540-BCOS SNS540-BCOS Broadcom 5720 Quad Port 1GbE BASE-T, OCP NIC 3.0 Customer Install
DEL-540-BCYL SNS540-BCYL Intel E810-XXV Dual Port 25GbE, SFP28 PCIe Adapter, Full Height Customer Kit
DEL-540-BDHR SNS540-BDHR Emulex LPe31002 Dual Port 16GbE Fibre Channel HBA, PCIe Full Height, Customer Kit, V2
DEL-406-BBMR SNS406-BBMR Emulex LPe35002 Dual Port FC32 Fibre Channel HBA, Full Height, Customer Install
DEL-406-BBMQ SNS406-BBMQ Emulex LPe35002 Dual Port FC32 Fibre Channel HBA, Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-403-BBLR SNS403-BBLR Emulex LPe31002-M6-D Dual Port 16Gb Fibre Channel HBA, Low Profile, Customer Install
DEL-405-ABCT SNS405-ABCT PERC H355 Adapter, Customer Kit
DEL-405-AAZY SNS405-AAZY Dell HBA355e Adapter Low Profile/Full Height, ck
DEL-540-BCXY SNS540-BCXY Intel E810-XXV 25GbE SFP28 Dual Port OCP 3.0 Customer Kit
DEL-403-BBMF SNS403-BBMF Emulex LPe31002-M6-D Dual Port 16Gb Fibre Channel HBA, PCIe Full Height, Customer Install
DEL-403-BCMD SNS403-BCMD BOSS-S2 controller card without cable, Customer Kit
DEL-405-BBBT SNS405-BBBT PERC H965e, Adapter Full Height/Low Profile, CusKit
DEL-540-BBUR SNS540-BBUR Broadcom 57412 2 Port 10Gb SFP+ + 5720 2 Port 1Gb Base-T, rNDC, Customer Install
DEL-540-BDHT SNS540-BDHT Broadcom 5720 Dual Port 1GbE BASE-T Adapter, PCIe FH, Customer Kit, V2, FW RESTRICTIONS APPLY
DEL-AA358195 SNSAA358195 Dell Memory Upgrade - 16GB - 2RX8 DDR4 UDIMM 2666MHz ECC
DEL-AA810825 SNSAA810825 Dell Memory Upgrade - 8GB - 1RX8 DDR4 RDIMM 3200MHz
DEL-AA810826 SNSAA810826 Dell Memory Upgrade - 16GB - 2Rx8 DDR4 RDIMM 3200MHz
DEL-AA810827 SNSAA810827 Dell Memory Upgrade - 32GB - 2RX4 DDR4 RDIMM 3200MHz 8Gb BASE
DEL-AA810828 SNSAA810828 Dell Memory Upgrade - 64GB - 2RX4 DDR4 RDIMM 3200MHz (Not Compatible with Skylake CPU)
DEL-AB634642 SNSAB634642 Dell Memory Upgrade - 32GB - 2RX8 DDR4 RDIMM 3200MHz 16Gb BASE (Not Compatible with Skylake CPU)
DEL-AB675793 SNSAB675793 Dell Memory Upgrade - 16GB - 1RX8 DDR4 UDIMM 3200MHz ECC
DEL-AB675794 SNSAB675794 Dell Memory Upgrade - 8GB - 1RX8 DDR4 UDIMM 3200MHz ECC
DEL-AB825520 SNSAB825520 Dell Memory Upgrade - 32GB - 2RX8 DDR4 UDIMM 3200MHz ECC
DEL-AC258162 SNSAC258162 Dell Memory Upgrade - 16GB - 1RX8 DDR5 RDIMM 4800MHz
DEL-AC258167 SNSAC258167 Dell Memory Upgrade - 32 GB - 2Rx8 DDR5 RDIMM 4800MT/s (Not Compatible with 5600 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-AC258172 SNSAC258172 Dell Memory Upgrade - 64 GB - 2Rx4 DDR5 RDIMM 4800MT/s (Not Compatible with 5600 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-AC888060 SNSAC888060 Dell Memory Upgrade - 16 GB - 1Rx8 DDR5 RDIMM 5600MT/s (Not Compatible with 4800 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-AC888061 SNSAC888061 Dell Memory Upgrade - 32 GB - 2Rx8 DDR5 RDIMM 5600MT/s (Not Compatible with 4800 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-AC888062 SNSAC888062 Dell Memory Upgrade - 64 GB - 2Rx4 DDR5 RDIMM 5600MT/s (Not Compatible with 4800 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-AC851545 SNSAC851545 Dell Memory Upgrade - 96 GB - 2Rx4 DDR5 RDIMM 5600MT/s (Not Compatible with 4800 MT/s DIMMs)
DEL-490-BGKE SNS490-BGKE NVIDIA Ampere A40, PCIe, 300W, 48GB Passive, Double Wide, Full Height GPU Customer Kit
DEL-490-BJVV SNS490-BJVV NVIDIA L40S, PCIe, 350W, 48GB Passive, Double Wide, Full Height GPU, Customer Install
DEL-407-BBOP SNS407-BBOP Dell Networking, Transceiver, SFP+, 10GbE, LR, 1310nm Wavelength, 10km Reach - Kit
DEL-407-BBOS SNS407-BBOS Dell Networking, Transceiver, SFP, 1000BASE-T - Customer Kit
DEL-407-BBOU SNS407-BBOU Dell Networking, Transceiver, SFP+, 10GbE, SR, 850nm Wavelength, 300m Reach - Kit
DEL-407-BBVJ SNS407-BBVJ SFP+, SR, Optical Transceiver, Intel, 10Gb-1Gb, Customer Install
DEL-407-BCBN SNS407-BCBN SFP+ SR Optic for all SFP+ ports except high temp validation warning cards customer install
DEL-407-BCEX SNS407-BCEX Dell PowerEdge QSFP28 SR4 100GbE 85C optic Customer Install
_________________ Update ราคาล่าสุด สอบถาม/ขอใบเสนอราคา โทรหาเราได้เลยครับ